Does everyone else make up back stories for their pets or is that just me?
One of our cats is a tabby with beautiful dark stripes on top of a fluffy caramel base coat. He is small and fierce, and he doesn’t like snuggles. He’s a real cat’s cat, always a little suspicious of our intentions.
My back story for him is that he loves stripes SO MUCH and wants the whole world to be stripey, but alas! It is not! We humans own no striped shirts, none of the rugs have stripes. I think I have two dish towels with stripes on them and that’s it; he’s really the only stripey thing in the house.
His daily disappointment in his surroundings turns quickly to rage. He soothes himself with cat treats and takes out his anger on the other cat by dive bombing him from the bed. He judges us and our non-stripey lives from the softest spot on the couch. Wouldn’t you?