Both of my kids went to school this morning, the first time in three weeks that this has happened.
I had expected to feel relief, but now I have to turn my attention to righting the chaos in my house. I need to clean the bathroom. I need to get back to the gym. Worst of all, I have to meal plan and grocery shop today.
My mom always said the key to life was to marry rich. I think the real lifehack is to marry someone who likes to cook.
Before I had kids I would have told you that I had no interest in cooking. Now that I do have kids–and I have to provide meals for them every day–I would say my feelings about cooking have been upgraded to passionate hatred. I am looking forward to when both my kids are away at college and I can revert to my natural eating habits:
Breakfast: peanut butter toast, or toast with two fried eggs
Lunch: Cheese and crackers & an apple
Dinner: Cheese and crackers & a salad kit
Note too that this requires a shopping list of only seven items. Well, nine because I also need coffee and milk in the morning. And probably a box of granola bars for snacks too.
Ten items. Done.